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Critical Specialties in Treating Autism and other Behavioral Challenges

Aim & scope

The aim of this series is to develop comprehensive treatment manuals that focus on critical issues faced by practitioners working with individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) and other behavioral challenges. By addressing specific clinical problems that have been inadequately discussed in recent literature, this series seeks to fill gaps in knowledge and training. Each volume will concentrate on high-prevalence clinical specialties that pose significant challenges for practitioners, particularly those lacking specialized training. The series will feature contributions from leading experts in their fields, ensuring that the information provided is both practical and evidence-based. Ultimately, the goal is to equip clinicians with immediately applicable strategies and insights, thereby enhancing their effectiveness in treatment and education.



The primary audience for this series includes professionals engaged in the treatment and education of individuals with ASD and related behavioral challenges. This specifically encompasses:

  • Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs)

  • Speech–Language Pathologists (SLPs)

  • Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists (LMFTs)

  • School Psychologists

  • Special Education Teachers

Although the series is primarily designed for professionals, it will also be beneficial for parents and family members of individuals with ASD, providing them with practical information that can aid in understanding and supporting their loved ones.

Series Editor


Jonathan Tarbox

Cofounder and Program Director

University of Southern California

Read more about Jonathan Tarbox

Series Volumes
