Editors' Update - supporting editors, every step of the way.

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January 31, 2022 | 2 min read
By Katie Eve, José Stoop, Christopher Tancock
You spoke, we listened. We now proudly present your Editor Desk.
To help get 2022 off to a great start, the Elsevier Editor Team are proud to launch Editor Desk is intended to become you go-to place for updates on Editorial Manager (EM), Elsevier and industry news, training and best practices that support you in your editor role. While email will remain an important means for us to keep you informed, responding to the feedback you share directly and via your publishing contact, we are exploring other ways of communicating.
Through Editor Desk, we have created a space where we can notify you without cluttering your inbox. Editor Desk also serves as a useful repository of previous updates and resources to which you can refer at any time.
You will find the Editor Desk linked from a permanent box on the right-hand side of your Editor Main Menu in Editorial Manager, as shown below. We will regularly update Editor Desk with new content which will be linked directly from the permanent Editor Desk box in EM, so you'll always be able to see what's new.
Egbert van Wezenbeek, Director of Editor Experience, commented: "Editor Desk allows editors to quickly view important information or updates, directly from the editorial system. We consider it a first, important step towards a fully comprehensive editor hub where editors can view the latest important updates as well as refer back to previous ones, pick up journal specific reports, download useful resources and share best practice."
We'd love to hear what you think of this new resource! Please respond to the one-question poll on Editor Desk to share your feedback.
And finally, Happy New Year from your Elsevier Editor Team!