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Books on ScienceDirect

Invaluable resources to promote academic success and career readiness

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Books play a crucial role in higher education excellence and career readiness

Proficiency in information literacy, critical analysis and research are among the most important skills to ensure educational excellence and employability. Books on ScienceDirect provide invaluable resources to help students and researchers build these skills.

Teaching the basics

Students, educators and researchers are having to explore new areas because many of today’s complex questions are coming at the intersection of disciplines. To get themselves up to speed, they need the fundamental base of knowledge and practice available in books:

  • Textbooks

  • Monographs and foundational reference books

  • Handbooks

  • Book series and serials

Books provide a sweep of knowledge and help synthesize information that can otherwise be fragmented in other sources.

Alina Petrushka quote and image

ScienceDirect Topics

ScienceDirect Topics uses machine learning to extract contextual information from the huge range of books across ScienceDirect. Topics help students, educators and researchers quickly find and assess background information in new areas.

Quote from a student

Building a solid foundation

Applying knowledge to finding answers or solutions is the next step in progressing student and researcher proficiency. Here, too, books are a powerful resource. Use of topic-specific monographs, foundational references, major reference works, book series and serials, and handbooks all are crucial to advancing from knowledge to application.

Achly Denisse Barraza Saez quote and image

Enabling research and career readiness

The knowledge and application learned from books help students progress to an academic or research career path. High-quality Books on ScienceDirect help aspiring researchers to think creatively and communicate clearly, expose approaches to tackling important problems and demonstrate how to conduct research with integrity. These are all qualities that today’s employers desire in those coming into the workforce.

AAC&U The Career-Ready Graduate report 2023 86% stat

“Books play a very important role in learning about research. They have a more pedagogical presentation and a systematic collection of knowledge.”

Headshot of Robert Mann


Robert Mann

Professor of Physics and Applied Mathematics, University of Waterloo, Canada

Beyond knowledge

Get a global perspective from students, academics, researchers and librarians about the value of books in achieving educational excellence and career readiness.

A new report from Elsevier on the value of books in educating and preparing students for a research career

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Man deep in thought working