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Step forward: STATdx - Dr. Elizabeth Angelakis, Diagnostic Radiologist, USA

Dr. Elizabeth Angelakis, Diagnostic Radiologist (USA)

August 9, 2022

Please briefly describe who you are and your role?

I am Elizabeth Angelakis, MD, a Diagnostic Radiologist in a very busy private practice. I have expertise in Chest Imaging and Breast Imaging. My daily work also involves the interpretation of all modalities and all areas of diagnostic radiology including trauma, emergency medicine, and oncology imaging.

From your point of view, what are the biggest benefits you found in using STATdx in your day-to-day routine?

I find STATdx an extremely wonderful resource for DDX. The ease of use to look up a topic with images and easy bullet point info on imaging and DDX is so helpful! My ability to read tough cases and have a built-in virtual academic assistant when a colleague's opinion is not available or I want to independently research myself is tremendous. I use it for unknowns, DDX expansion, and anatomy confirmation on a regular basis. The bone age calculator is awesome.

What’s the primary reason you would recommend STATdx?

Elsevier listened when I asked for CME that I might specify for Breast creds and even interventional breast creds or PET or just creds in general. My colleagues and I find STATdx so helpful for fulfilling CME requirements. We have to acquire 100 CME credits in 2 years and often find ourselves short at the last minute. STATdx saved data allows us to immediately claim credits, plus allows us to specify by modality or anatomical subject, which has assisted us many times. I have encouraged colleagues to join and use the CME credits membership.

If you could describe your experience with STATdx, what would you say?

Thank you for assisting me in my daily practice and thank you for continuing to improve and make STATdx more expansive and user-friendly. You listened to my early feedback and I am sure others feedback too. I am so grateful!

The ease of use to look up a topic with images and easy bullet point info on imaging and DDX is so helpful!

Step forward: STATdx - Dr. Elizabeth Angelakis, Diagnostic Radiologist, USA

Step forward: STATdx - Dr. Elizabeth Angelakis, Diagnostic Radiologist, USA

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